15 August 2024. Beehive Seminar: Corporate War Profiteering and International Law: A Study in the Politics of Representations with Shahd Hammouri

15 August 2024. 2 - 3 pm
Room 1002
Melbourne Law School

Image source: Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Beehive Seminar - Corporate War Profiteering and International Law: A Study in the Politics of Representations

Shahd Hammouri

This presentation introduces a forthcoming book which throws a spotlight on the actors and the harm not represented in international law’s imagination of the context of war. The book studies the theoretical infrastructure which allows legal practitioners to discuss the invasion of Iraq without thinking of Exxon Mobil, to discuss the dictatorship in Chile without thinking of ITT, and to discuss the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo without thinking of Glencore.

The book confronts international law with the realities of private power and the war economy. It argues that international legal language facilitates a distorted perception of corporate involvement in war. To do so, it asks how does  international law imagine the corporation and its economic activity in the context of war? In this process, the book provides a critique of international law’s treatment of corporate legal personality and responsibility. To extend international law’s imagination, it discursively invokes sidelined narratives on private power and the war economy told by the global south.

Register here.


23 August 2024. Beehive Seminar: Human Rights Arm-Wrestling with Corporations with Paul Hunt


8 August 2024. Beehive Seminar: Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Law, and the Colonial State as Corporation: The ‘Thick’ and the ‘Thin’ of Sovereign Power in the Congo Free State with Matilda Arvidsson.